A research lab developing methods and tools for supporting design decision making.
Installing Dexen either on a local network or on the Amazon is straight forward and requires minimal configuration. The user is then able to interact with Dexen via a web application in a web browser, or via an Application Programming Interface.
Install the latest 2.7.x version of python.
Make sure that the python executable is on the enironment PATH.
Dexen uses MongoDB as its database.
To install the Dexen dependency libraries, it is recommended to use the pip package manager. It is included in Python, so there is no need to install it.
The following libraries are required by Dexen.
To install all the 3rd party libraries, type the following at the command prompt:
$ pip install -U flask flask-login flask-wtf pymongo requests rpyc
If you need to uninstall the libraries, you can type the following:
$ pip uninstall flask flask-login flask-wtf pymongo requests rpyc
To install Dexen, follow these steps:
$ DEXEN/bin/SetWinEnv.bat
To start Dexen:
Open the command window and do the following:
$ start mongod
$ db
$ df
$ dn
There is also a single bat file that does all this in one. It is useful if you are running dexen on just one computer and prefer not to have lots of command windows open.
$ dxn
There is a UI that you can access through the browser. If you are running Dexen locally, you can access the UI at http://localhost:5000/.