A research lab developing methods and tools for supporting design decision making.
The research will develop a prototype system to support the design of Housing Development Board (HDB) residential precincts in Singapore. The system is envisioned to be used at the early stage of the design process, particularly in coming up with conceptual designs.
Designers will be able to specify the site and design requirements for a residential HDB precinct. The system will then produce a set of optimised design variants through an iterative process in which populations of design variants are automatically generated and evaluated.
The generative process will used parametric modelling techniques in order to generate a wide variety of design variants. The evaluative process will analyse the design variants using various performance indicators.
Finally, after the optimisation process is complete, a clustering algorithm will also be developed to extract out distinctively different optimal designs.
Through such a process, designers will be able to develop a better understanding of the potential design strategies for the site and design requirements .